Monday, September 23, 2013

Android Flash ROM

When flash a ROM, not simply delete/format the system folder (/system). it content all ROM/OS file, once delete it you can not access the OS.
How if accidentally deleted it when flashing a ROM.

1) Flash the ROM as normal flow. but most of time you are delete those file as well. then can go for second step.
2) Flash the ROM from ext-sdcard (memory stick). copy the file( to ext-sdcard and flash the new ROM. but how if the file is not there and can not copy to there at that moment.
3)  adb command.
- go to recovery mode.
- command sample to copy the file ( to sdcard.
adb push D:\4\ /sdcard/0/
adb push D:\4\ /sdcard/0/
4) Try install sideload.

You can always backup the file to sdcard first.
** base on CWM recovery mode.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Backup Wechat amr file

Remember not to click delete. else your amr file will physically remove.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Add route success but not show at route print

When you try to add a route
eg. route add -4 MASK METRIC 10 IF 10

Message show success added.
but when you route print it not show.
please check the interface is correct or wrong.
you might be add to wrong interface. or the interface is not active. that why it not show.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Wechat 5.0

Wechat 5.0 can not delete personal (1 to 1) chat room.

old version- press and hold the char room
5.0- strike/drag from left to right. there have delete button.

mircosoft bug kut

found that sp_trace_setfilter for NULL from sql2008R2 sp1 not work.

eg. EXEC sp_trace_setfilter @TraceID, 1, 0, 1, NULL

Thursday, August 01, 2013

system Database sample

You can download sql server 2008 R2 (ver: 10.50.2500 )system databases sample here.
with chinese_PRC_CI_AS.


content: master.bak, model.bak, tempdb.mdf and tempdb.ldf

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

DATENAME not work

SQL server 2008 SP3 not work for this : select DATENAME(month, '2012-07-01')
it will show result 07 instead of JUL.
well, sql server 2008 R2 working fine.

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Permission problem

When Try Qwinsta to Windows Server 2008 R2, it Give error 5. Which not happen to others server.
After some Study, Can try the command below.

Psexec.exe \\ qwinsta


runas /netonly /user:administrator "qwinsta /server:" 
* which will prompt for the server password.

And Windows Server 2008 not allow to remote to physical console anymore, no wonder how u connect it will not connect to session 0 (which reservce for service used).
But for your infor, for some of the purpose, you might need to use /admin (or /console) for the connection.