Wednesday, October 29, 2014 is shit

godaddy service is shit. many people compliant.
and the support more damn. i will never go for it anymore.

Friday, June 06, 2014


今天的雅虎, 给我的感觉就好像一动不如一静。好像烂泥上不了墙,想帮他都帮不了。
看他的新闻,常会收购那家公司什么的, 策列还不错。
之前有时不能用,还可换换别的浏览器. 现在换了几个,试了很多很多次。就是有问题, 越改越差的。

Monday, May 26, 2014

Comodo not allow the IP which allow.

When u set allow a firewall. eg.
Once this host's ip is change.
Firewall possible will not allow the new IP. it will prompt to user. -_- !!
Suspect we not update the IP in time and firewall got the new IP without any rules. then after u update the host's IP. firewall very persistent , and stick to prompt to user.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Allow Ping

To allow ping at comodo firewall, due to it automatic create some of the rules and blocking the ping.
Due to the rules "black all unmatch" at system process (application part)
just add a rules "allow ICMP echo request" at system process (application part) will do.

Friday, May 09, 2014

miui firmware

Yes, confirmed, there is no OFF button when press the power button. (v4.4.25)
and the import of contact, it only able to import vcard. and after import contact, all the row keep show at notification bar, due to  there is a row (probabbly last contact to import) is not done (well, actually it is imported, as i check)

update miui 4.4.25 already have OFF button. red color.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


cyanogenmod v11.
the contact need to improve. poor of sync/management. merge/duplicate function.
the phone/sms need to improve. log/contact linkage very poor. call 1 app, sms 1 app.
language ....if u are single language user should be ok.
others, so far so good.

Friday, February 21, 2014

DDWRT to linksys E1200v2

update at 2014-02-20
currently DD-WRT for linksys E1200v2 only able to flash by mini (small) version only.
same to E1200v1

Thursday, February 20, 2014

DD-WRT broadcast problem

I found that there is many people facing DD-WRT wireless broadcast problem. here is some temp solution.
i put there command: wl up
as pic below.