Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Hyper-V Problem

Problem 1 in hyper V:
Create Virtual server failed.

Problem 2 in hyper V:
Apply checkpoint failed.

But this two problem i solve it by one solution:
Restart hyper-v virtual machine management service

Root cause i also not sure, if any one knew please drop me a message.

Friday, March 06, 2020

kernel package: 'linux-generic' error

1) Case happen when install mini ubuntu 18.04 LTS

2) Process: install system

3) Error message:
Unable to install the selcted kernel
An error was returned while trying to install the kernel into the target system.
kernel package: 'linux-generic'.
check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details.

I try expert installation.
and choose "linux-image-5.3.0-40-generic" kernel
and choose all driver (instance of target)

Thursday, March 05, 2020

Tomcat http port not work

For windows user install the tomcat: there is a problem, when you set the HTTP/1.1 port on setup. it may not work. Here is for reference.

Description on case:
When setup the tomcat (UI), it allow to change the shutdown port and HTTP/1.1 port. But after you change this 2 port, only shutdown port will reflect to server.xml, while HTTP/1.1 port will be always default.

To solve this:
You need to manually edit the HTTP/1.1 port on "tomcat folder/conf/server.xml" and restart service.

This list have no problem:
Tomcat v7.0.10 (java 7 x32)

Tomcat v7.0.94 (java 7 x32)
Tomcat v7.0.96 (java 7 x32)
Tomcat v7.0.99 (java 7 x32)
Tomcat v9.0.16 (java 8 x64)
Tomcat v9.0.30 (java 8 x64)

This list have above problem: (this both release year 2020)
Tomcat v7.0.100 (java 7 x32)
Tomcat v9.0.31 (java 8 x64)

* The testing done most with windows server 2016 std, and some in windows 2019 std.