Monday, September 23, 2013

Android Flash ROM

When flash a ROM, not simply delete/format the system folder (/system). it content all ROM/OS file, once delete it you can not access the OS.
How if accidentally deleted it when flashing a ROM.

1) Flash the ROM as normal flow. but most of time you are delete those file as well. then can go for second step.
2) Flash the ROM from ext-sdcard (memory stick). copy the file( to ext-sdcard and flash the new ROM. but how if the file is not there and can not copy to there at that moment.
3)  adb command.
- go to recovery mode.
- command sample to copy the file ( to sdcard.
adb push D:\4\ /sdcard/0/
adb push D:\4\ /sdcard/0/
4) Try install sideload.

You can always backup the file to sdcard first.
** base on CWM recovery mode.

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